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Explain how the project is or will be planning for sustainability given that future grant funds are unpredictable. The ability to sustain programs and services is vital to providing continuous services for clients and participants. Diamond Diva Empowerment Foundation employs ongoing efforts to gain ongoing community and financial support to sustain current programs and potential expansion of programs and services.


Organizational sustainability is primarily led by a board of dedicated volunteers who have the expertise and passion required to successfully maintain the organization's primary initiatives including the Pathways to Brightness Program. Our board, Executive Director, staff, and core group of volunteers are committed to ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of this initiative by growing current revenue streams such as grants, contracts, and individual donors and developing new ones such as organizational income, community, and business sponsorships, and federal grants. Our local community demonstrates their ongoing commitment to our mission in a variety of ways. For example, local businesses, churches, and individuals provide approximately $500,000 in in-kind product donations, reduced rental rates, volunteer hours, professional support services, program materials, and technology in support our mission/this program. Diamond Diva Empowerment Foundation fund development plan projects the following income to assist with sustainability of it programs and services.


Diamond Diva Empowerment Foundation Initiative Fund Development Plan


Grants and Contracts:

Federal Grants:

       State Grants & Contracts                       $1,300,000.00

       Foundation Grants                                    $300,000.00

       Individual Donors                                        $50,000.00

       Board Contributions                                   $10,000.00

       Sponsorships                                             $100,000.00

In-kind Donations:

       Product Donations                                    $400,000.00

       Rental In-kind Donation                              $50,000.00

       Slate Sa1ary Match Donation                     $25,000.00

       Annual Campaign                                        $50,000.00

       Spring Targeted Campaign                        $25,000.00

       Organization Product Sales                        $10,000.00

       Fundraiser - Gala                                       $100,000.00

Provide a complete program financial statement to identify sources of fuds and amounts received based on the agency's prior fiscal year 10/1/2019 to 9/30/2020.

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